Contact: Lynsey McAnally FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Phone: 806-648-7402
OGH to Host Panhandle Crisis Center for Human Trafficking Seminar
January 14 – Ochiltree General Hospital and the Panhandle Crisis Center are teaming up to further the cause of Human Trafficking Awareness Month this January. A seminar – entitled Human Trafficking: What You Need to Know – will discuss recognizing signs of human trafficking, supporting those affected and the steps you can take daily to ensure the safety of those around you.
“The topic of human trafficking began trending a few years ago. Unfortunately, this is a topic that is not going away any time soon,” says volunteer coordinator at the Panhandle Crisis Center Rachel Martin. “Human trafficking has been identified by several sources to be the fastest growing criminal industry around the world.”
Human Trafficking Awareness Month aims to bring awareness to a crime in which force, fraud or coercion is used to compel a person to perform labor, services or commercial sex. It affects all populations: adults, children, men, women, foreign nationals and U.S. citizens, and all economic classes, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.
“Small communities are not exempt from the devastations caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking,” says Martin. “The Panhandle Crisis Center stands with our community to provide support and education for all individuals affected by these devastations.”
Human Trafficking: What You Need to Know will take place at noon on Thursday, January 30, in the conference room at Ochiltree General. Anyone interested in attending can either register online at, call Community Outreach Director Lynsey McAnally at 806-648-7402 or email their RSVP to