Ochiltree General Hospital COVID-19 Precautions
March 13, 2020 – Ochiltree General Hospital continues to actively monitor all updates with the Texas Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control in regard to COVID-19. Currently, there are no reported positive cases of COVID-19 in Ochiltree County. However - effective today, March 13, 2020 - OGH will begin taking precautionary measures to protect our most vulnerable community members.
Anyone with a fever, sore throat, cough, or difficulty breathing at this time - or any time within the last 14 days - will not be allowed visit the hospital or the Seasons Assisted Living. The families of residents at The Seasons have been notified of proper precautions to take in the event they must visit.
OGH will be limiting the number of visitors to ONE person per patient. This includes Emergency Room, outpatient, inpatient and OB patients.
The Perryton Health Center and the DeWitt Family Practice will be conducting business as usual, but will be limiting those in the buildings to the patient and one caregiver if needed. Please do not bring other children or unnecessary persons to the clinics.
If you have symptoms including fever, sore throat, cough or difficulty breathing, please call your primary care physician before going to the clinic or Emergency Department. They will instruct you on what to do next. Please keep your high risk (i.e. elderly or immunocompromised) family members, friends and neighbors in mind and offer to run errands, pick up groceries, etc. for them.
Again, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ochiltree County or the surrounding areas. However, OGH and its staff are implementing these measures for the safety of our community. We are remaining in contact with Perryton ISD and will update them as information is given to us.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself, Jyme Kinnard, at, Chief Nursing Officer Kelly Judice, RN, at or call the hospital main line at 806-435-3606.

Jyme Kinnard, RN, ACNO, Infection Control