Annual Wellness Visits
What is an AWV?
Medicare provides - meaning it’s FREE once every 12 months - an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) to discuss your plan for preventive care for the upcoming year(s). Annual Wellness Visits include:
• Height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements
• A review of your medical and family history
• Developing or updating a list of current providers
• Updating medication list
• A list of risk factors and treatment options for you
• A screening schedule (like a checklist) for appropriate preventive services to keep you healthy
• Advanced Care Planning
• Personalized Prevention Plan
Please Keep in Mind ...
During your Annual Wellness Visit if you need to be seen for anything other than the AWV itself - i.e. laboratory testing, seeing the physician for anything other than the AWV, medication refills, etc. - there will be a charge for that portion of your visit. In addition, you may notice a charge on your Medicare explanation of benefits. This charge is for claim purposes only and the patient is not responsible for paying that fee.
All You Need to Do
Schedule an AWV with your primary care physician before the end of the year!
Hometown Healthcare Providers
Manon E. Childers, III, M.D.
Family Practice/Obstetrics/Surgery
3006 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
Blake DeWitt, M.D.
Family Practice/Obstetrics/Surgery
3020 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
Jennifer McGaughy, D.O.
Family Practice/Obstetrics
3101 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
Rick Siewert, D.O.
Family Practice/Sports Medicine
3006 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
Lisa Brown, FNP-C
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
146 N. Pioneer Dr., Booker, TX
Deirdre Floyd, FNP-C
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
3101 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
Corina Ramirez, FNP-C
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
3020 Garrett Dr., Perryton, TX
For More Information
For more information about Annual Wellness Visits, please contact Patient Care Coordinator, Ashley Boyd, at 806-648-7932
or email Ashley at